St. Mark’s
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About St. Mark’s
Welcome to St. Mark’s Church. We are a welcoming, diverse, and inclusive Anglican Church community serving the Smith’s Parish community.
The Liturgy
At our Contemporary Worship we use projected worship and all our Sunday slides, including the song words, can be viewed online and on your handheld device.
Our liturgy (the words we use) have been designed to use accessible language and our slides and printed words use an accessible font.
The Slides
You can find the Google slides for our worship here:
You are very welcome to receive communion and both alcoholic and non-alcoholic wine will be available. We use individual glasses (no shared cup). If you have mobility difficulties we would be delighted to bring communion to you where you sit. Please let one of our welcomers know.
Please note that the liturgy may not always be in exactly the same order as printed here. For example, when there are no groups for children we typically put the Thanksgiving at the end of the worship.
Almighty God,
You know everything we need and want
and nothing is hidden from you.
We are here to worship you,
to pray for the needs of the world,
and to listen to your Word.
Fill us with your Holy Spirit
and open our hearts to your love.
Meeting God
Let us now turn back to God, recognising that we have put ourselves first, before God, others, and the world around us.
We all think things, say things, and do things that we know hurt God and hurt those we love. We also forget and fail to live the way we should, and disrespect God’s world. Let us spend a moment in quiet to recognise our own mistakes and failures before we pray the Lord’s Prayer together.
A moment of silence is kept.
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory
are yours now and forever.
God’s Promises
May you know that you are forgiven, loved, and more precious than you can possibly imagine. God welcomes you, and accepts you just as you are. May you be filled with God’s life-giving joy and peace, now and forever, Amen.
Sharing God’s Peace
The Peace of the Lord be always with you.
And also with you.
Let us offer one another a sign of peace.
We typically wave and say “Peace be with you” to the people around us. Some people who know each other well shake hands or even hug but will not be offended if you just want to wave.
The Lord is here
His spirit is with us
Lift up your hearts
We lift them to the Lord
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God
It is right to give him thanks and praise
Let us set apart this bread and wine that it may become special and used by God to bless us.
We praise and thank you, loving Father,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
As we obey your command,
send your Holy Spirit,
that this bread and wine may be for us
the body and blood of your precious Son.
On the night You were betrayed You took the bread
After giving thanks You broke it and said
This is My body broken for you
And as You eat it remember Me
This is My body broken for you
And as You eat it remember Me
On the night You were betrayed You held the cup
After giving thanks You lifted it up
This is My blood poured out for you
And as you drink it remember Me
This is My blood poured out for you
And as you drink it remember Me
So we thank You for the wine and for the bread
For we see the life You gave and the blood You shed
And we remember Your wondrous love
You gave Your body You shed Your blood
And we remember Your wondrous love
You gave Your body You shed Your blood
We break this bread to share in the body of Christ.
Though we are many, we are one body,
because we all share in one bread.
Dear friends, receive the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ with faith and thanksgiving. Remember that he gave himself for you. Remember that he died for you, and allow him to feed and nourish your body, mind, and spirit.
If you are coming forward to the communion rail, you may kneel or stand. Hold up your hands to receive, or keep them by your side to receive a prayer of God’s blessing. A reminder that everyone is welcome, including children.
Saying Thank you
Father God,
We thank you for Jesus,
our Saviour, our King, and our best friend.
Thank you for giving Him to us,
and for feeding our hearts today.
Thank you for Children
If there are children’s groups then the following may be said:
Holy God, We give you thanks for the children and young people of this church. Bless them and their leaders that they may grow in knowledge, become more like Jesus, and shine like lights for you.
Bible Reading
After the Bible Reading, if it is from the Gospel, the following is used:
This is the gospel of the Lord
Praise to you O Christ
Or we use:
This is the word of the Lord
Thanks be to God
At the end of the prayers we say:
Merciful Father,
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour Jesus Christ,
Closing Prayer
Dear Father,
as we go from this place,
may we be servants for Christ
and people who bring your love.
May we know your peace,
and serve you with all our hearts.
In the name of Christ,
A blessing such as this one may be used:
May the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be upon us and all those we love, now and forever.
Go in peace, to love and serve our Lord. In the name of Christ,
Thank you
Thank you for worshiping with us today.
We do not take a collection during our worship however, if you would like to give to support the ministry and mission of St. Mark’s, please pop your offering in the little house in the porch!
If you would like us to stay in touch, please complete this online form or complete a card and pop that in the house too!