The scars we cannot see
By Rev Gav
All of us bear scars that others cannot see, but the process of healing can take place within a loving and accepting community of God’s people.
Tree Decorating at St. Peter’s
Primary 6 Prefects from St George’s Prep School helped decorate the tree at St. Peter’s Church.
Please, Thanks, and Sorry
By Canon John
As adults, we should remember to say please, thank you and sorry.
Do science and religion agree?
By Rev Gav
Some Christians believe in a literal six-day creation. Should the account in Genesis be treated like a modern scientific account or is there another way?
How is Mark 13 a message to humanity?
By Rev Gav
The message of Mark 13 is a way of saying God understands, is with us, and everything will be okay. Today, if you are struggling or suffering, then read Mark 13, because it is for you.
How do we grasp who Jesus is?
By Rev Gav
We must put our trust in God and lean deeper into Jesus, and like Simon, Andrew, James, and John, recognise who Jesus is, be ready to drop everything, and follow.
The Nisbett Lectures 2024: The Anglican Way – The Revd Dr Marcus Throup
By Canon Ant Pettit
Exploring some of the riches and challenges around Anglican identity thinking about how over the centuries the Anglican expression of the Christian Faith has sought unity in Christ while acknowledging a diversity of theological perspectives. This in turn will allow us to reflect on current discussions within the Anglican Communion…
In search of Healthy Church Leadership
The second of The Thomas and Winifred Nisbett Lectures from Marcus Throup, St. Mellitus College.
As Christians, what laws are we under?
If you are struggling to know what to do in any given situation, and are concerned with doing the ‘right’ thing, then simply go back to the two greatest commandments, for no religious, political, or social law can ever override them.
The Anglican Way
By Revd Dr Marcus Throup
A Public Lecture exploring some of the riches and challenges around Anglican identity thinking about how over the centuries the Anglican expression of the Christian Faith has sought unity in Christ while acknowledging a diversity of theological perspectives.
What does it mean to be seen?
By Rev Gav
Whether we need to be seen or enable others to be seen, the invitation from Jesus is for us and for everyone.
How can I be the greatest?
By Rev Gav
We must be ambitious to serve and to love, and to be Jesus to all we meet. If we make love our focus and our goal then truly, we shall be great.