About us...
We are a network of Parish Churches here in Bermuda, under the one umbrella of the Anglican Church of Bermuda.
Our Structure
Within the Anglican Church we have shared ministry, and although we might have different forms of ministry, we are all servants of God. The Bishop, though he is a bishop, is still a priest, a deacon, and a member of a local congregation. The Bishop's role is to oversee the whole Anglican Church in Bermuda —its priests, deacons, and lay members, and under God, to offer support, guidance, and leadership.
To support the Bishop in mission and ministry, there is an Archdeacon. The Archdeacon is responsible for the resources in the diocese including the buildings and human resources.
A Priest-in-Charge oversees each parish and some of our priests oversee more than one parish. They are supported by deacons, curates (trainee priests), and associate/assistant and locum priests.
Each parish has what is called a Vestry, and this is like a church council. Each parish appoints two Churchwardens to support the parish priest and ensure the smooth running of the local church community and facilities. Vestries also include secretaries called Vestry Clerks, Treasurers, and other church members who help guide and support the mission and ministry of the local church.
Alongside the Vestry, churches typically have support staff in the form of parish office administrators and graveyard administrators.
The Anglican Church believes that everyone is called by God to serve and we support every-member ministry.
Distinctively Anglican
The ACofB is in Spiritual Communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury and, through that relationship, part of the world-wide Anglican Communion.
We recognise and accept the books of the Bible as uniquely revealing our Christian faith. The doctrine of our faith is laid out in the Nicene, Athanasian and Apostle's Creeds.
We acknowledge the Book of Common Prayer, the Administration of the Sacraments, and other rites authorised for use in the Anglican Church of Bermuda together with the thirty-nine Articles of Religion to be a witness to true and faithful Christian faith.