What are spiritual disciplines?
We all want to become more like Jesus, right? Who doesn’t want to become more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, generous, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled? Rev Gav explores three simple ‘disciplines’ that help us become more like God….
What barriers prevent us from coming to Jesus?
Rev Gav connects two gospel stories that are all about removing the barriers between us and God….
What is the real purpose of temptation?
Us ‘mature’ Christians do not struggle with temptation at all do we? We are all so holy that we are way beyond such things aren’t we? Aren’t we?? But as Rev Gav explains, there is a bit more to temptation than meets the eye……
Why do we need to listen to Jesus?
The transfiguration of Jesus was not just a spectacle but an important commissioning of three disciples, Peter, James, and John….