29 Church Street, Hamilton, Bermuda HM CX

What does it mean to love your neighbour?

In a previous message, I focused on the first of Jesus’ commandments — how we should love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and in this message I would like to explore the second commandment which is to love our neighbours as ourselves….

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What does it mean to love God?

Jesus agreed that the law could be summarised as loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and loving our neighbour as ourself. In this message, Rev Gav explores the first of these greatest commandments….

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What is the point in praying?

Do you find prayer difficult? I do. So what does it mean to pray and is there a best way of doing it?…

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Why do I love the Bible?

The Bible, wonderful and inspirational as it is, ultimately points to the good news of Jesus Christ, and in him our hope is found….

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How can I be assured of my salvation?

What does it mean to be saved and is salvation something that can be lost? Let’s find out!…

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Where is Jesus in the storms of life?

We do not have a distant, impersonal God, but a God who journeys with us, and stands with us in our suffering, and this is a great comfort….

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Summer Worship @ 9.30am

Sunday 23rd June Day: Trinity 4 Theme: Blossom Leader: Rev Gav Bible Reading: Mark 4.26–34 He also said, ‘The kingdom of God…

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How can broken family relationships be restored?

If you have experienced angst in your family relationships then you are not alone. Jesus experienced angst in his family too….

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